Hello to all. It’s been about six months since I’ve returned to the United States. Most of you had probably forgotten about my little blog, since upon my return to the U.S., I seem to have abandoned the venture like a chewed-up piece of gum. It’s silly that I didn’t write the following entry a […]

Tomorrow, I’m going home. This has been the greatest and most challenging year of my life. Hands down. And I knew going into it that it would be. But when I think about the person who first arrived in Paris, sitting in a hotel room in Boulogne, jet lagged and anxious, I feel simultaneously as […]

It’s amazing: on Monday afternoon, I had exactly ONE more thing to do for this LL.M. (granted that I did not fail anything, which would add begging for mercy to the list of things to do for this LL.M….fingers crossed) and I’ll give you a list of things I would have rather done than just […]

When I first started this blog, I had recently finished my first half marathon in Chicago, only weeks before I arrived here in Paris. On April 7, weeks before I will leave Paris, I finished by first marathon. I swear, I didn’t plan it that way. I fell in love with running a little more […]

You know your life is pretty good when you get a Facebook message from your mother saying, “Which continent are you on right now?” For four days, my answer was “Africa!” Including the exclamation point. The picture taken above was in Essaouira, Morocco, one of three cities in Morocco I visited over a period of […]

“Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.” -Henry Rollins There is an interesting side effect of living abroad that isn’t particularly pleasant to discuss or deal with, and anyone who ever lives abroad should be prepared for it. As you might guess, I was […]

To date, the town square in the center of Brussels is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. When you stand in the center of a square of buildings that all look like THAT^ (I included a photo to avoid trying to write what would likely be an extremely poor, underwhelming description this […]

“Beauty is not caused. It is.” -Emily Dickinson Warning: this blog entry may be a bit girly-touchy-feely. If that’s not your thing (and truthfully, it’s not mine, but here we are), I apologize, and promise something positively brotastic (a word coined by my best friend and me) for my next post. I spent my first […]

Once again, I find myself in the position of having to apologize to you all for letting so much time pass between posts. We’re in the heat of exam and paper season at my law school, and since before Christmas, I’ve had visions of EU law dancing in my head. The first few paragraphs of […]

My classmates and I had the privilege of visiting the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, and it was incredible. Where should I even begin? We stayed in a beautiful little town in Germany about an hour away from Luxembourg, called Trier, where we enjoyed a Christmas market near our hotel several nights that we […]